01:16:03duration 1 hour 16 minutes
Architecting Normative Infrastructure for…
Architecting Normative Infrastructure for Pluralistic AI Value Alignment by Atoosa Kasirzadeh
LTI Colloquium recorded on 10-04-24
01:07:34duration 1 hour 7 minutes
Reasoning with inference-time compute by Sean…
Reasoning with inference-time compute by Sean Welleck
LTI Colloquium recorded on 9-20-24
01:08:39duration 1 hour 8 minutes
President's Lecture - Sundar Pichai
11:55duration 11 minutes 55 seconds
01:12:38duration 1 hour 12 minutes
From Words to Molecules: Harnessing Generative AI…
From Words to Molecules: Harnessing Generative AI for Breakthroughs in Language and Molecular Design by Lei Li
LTI Colloquium recorded on September 13, 2024
11:19duration 11 minutes 19 seconds
Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Association
55:52duration 55 minutes 52 seconds
Swartz Center forEntrepreneurship for…
Swartz Center forEntrepreneurship for Undergraduates
47:36duration 47 minutes 36 seconds
Fireside Chat with Xunjie Zhang, Shift Robotics
13:07duration 13 minutes 7 seconds
Graduate Entrepreneurship Club
56:00duration 56 minutes 0 seconds
Swartz Center Programs - Graduate Perspective
15:38duration 15 minutes 38 seconds
Introduction to the Swartz Center
42:02duration 42 minutes 2 seconds
4 - Engineering Success for Yourself and Your…
4 - Engineering Success for Yourself and Your Advisees
03:51duration 3 minutes 51 seconds
10 - Closing Remarks
42:25duration 42 minutes 25 seconds
9 - Pioneering Research
34:59duration 34 minutes 59 seconds
8 - How to Stay Human
40:30duration 40 minutes 30 seconds
7 - Engineering Impact